Empty Leg Flights
What is an empty leg?
When a private charter flight is booked one-way, the aircraft must return to its home base; this return trip is called an empty leg. Also referred to as ‘empty sector’ or ‘repositioning flight’. Empty leg flights also become available when an aircraft is flying to a new location to pick up passengers.
For example, if an aircraft is booked for a flight from Milan to Paris but is currently situated on the ground in London. It will need to fly to Milan to pick up the passengers and commence the flight. Meaning the flight from London to Milan would be available as an empty leg.
The cost of an empty leg flight
These flights are usually offered at a highly discounted rate, sometimes reaching discounts of up to 75 percent off of the original or standard flight cost. This is because it would be otherwise flying empty.
Air Operators are frequently willing to offer empty sectors at a much lower cost. However, the trip can be subject to cancellation or changes, because the original customer has the priority and they are able to change their schedule, timing or route for example.
Group travel
Many customers can be confused and wonder if there is a hidden catch, or why the offer seems too good to be true. However empty legs are beneficial to both parties. Air Operators sell these private charter flights at considerably discounted rates in order to avoid flying empty, and in turn this is a great opportunity for people who may not have even considered travelling privately before. They can have a taste of the private jet travel lifestyle at an affordable cost.
Travelling in a group can often mean prices can be as low as flying business or 1st class on a commercial airline. This is because when an empty leg is available, the price is for the whole plane as opposed to buying a ticket for the seat. Many people even save money when travelling with a group on an empty leg flight.
The benefits of an empty leg charter
One thing that must be mentioned is that when a person travels on board an empty leg flight; there is no compromise when it comes to service. It will be the real deal, and the staff will usually always go above and beyond to fulfill your expectations. From the time you arrive at the airport, you will be cared for from your charter. They will ensure you know where to board your flight, take your luggage and handle any special requests that you may have.
Once you are onboard your flight, you can enjoy your trip the way you wish. If that is sipping champagne and eating gourmet meals, watching a movie, having a nap, or even just relaxing in the comfortable surroundings. Charter jets of all sizes, usually have limited seating that features plenty of leg room and gives you the ability to fully recline your seat. There is also space to walk around, large bathrooms and sometimes fully equipped showers or sauna rooms, depending on which plane you charter.
Another reason many people opt to travel via private jet, or more specifically on an empty leg flight is because they can massively increase their productivity whilst in flight. The peace and quiet means that you have ample time to get on with your work, or even conduct business meetings or conference calls whilst onboard. Instead of having to schedule out that duration of time for your flight, you can spend the flight time catching up with work, having lunch before you reach your destination, sleeping or even meditating. So by the time you have arrived, rather than feeling tired, sore and stiff from your flight, flying on an empty leg flight will mean you arrive feeling refreshed, relaxed and rested. Most charter flights typically offer free WIFI, telephone access and other amenities so you can handle all of your tasks with complete ease. So if you need to close that final deal before you land, you will not even think twice about how you will be able to make it happen.
That takes us to the next benefit, which is flying without other passengers! If you are having important and confidential conference calls for example or trying to discuss plans with your colleagues, before your arrival, for your business proposal, you can talk with absolute freedom without having to worry whether people are listening in.
Plus flying commercial always comes with its irritating downfalls when in-flight, such as a baby crying for what seems like the entire journey, or someone talking very loudly next to you, siblings bickering with each other or perhaps the person next to you fighting for the armrest.
Flying on an empty leg
The benefits of an empty leg charter begin way before you step onto the plane. Once at the airport, you will avoid waiting in long queues and most airports usually have a separate area for screening private charter flyers. You will have a much more relaxed experience without the hassle and stress of the standard procedures and security clearances. In addition to this most major airports have private waiting areas for people flying privately, and in some
Your charter will always do their best to ensure your flight is everything you wish for and more and if you would like to travel with your pet
Things to consider
Chartering an empty leg flight does come with some limitations and restrictions, as previously mentioned the flight can be subject to cancellation or delay due to the priority being with the original customer. However if you are flexible this could be the ideal choice for you. Another thing to consider may be that this is a one way trip, so you may need to book for a commercial return flight to complete your trip or if you’re lucky you could possibly find another suitable empty leg flight for your return.
If you are interested in being alerted for our available empty legs, please send an email including your destinations of interest and we will put you on our mailing list – sales@executivesky.com